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The smallest countries in the world in terms of area and population

The smallest countries in the world in terms of area and population When we think of the word country or country, we think it is a large area of land with large numbers of people, there are more than 194 countries in the world; Not all of them have a huge area and population, some of them are very small countries and most of them are cities, mostly in Europe, or islands in the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean. If we add an area of 10 smaller ones, we will find the result 1492 km2, that is, it is less than the size of the city of Texas in the United States of America alone, which has an area of 1626 km2, but these small countries, with their own government and culture, are among the richest and most distant places, so we can get to know them together. Tenth: the state of Grenada, the island of spices Covering an area of ​​344 km2, this country is located in the Caribbean Sea, and it is made up of six small islands belonging to the Grenadines in the southeast of the Caribbean (Grenada, Pe...

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